Corinth Civil War Driving Tour

Visiting Corinth and want to learn about our city’s rich Civil War history from the comfort of your car? Take a ride through history on the Civil War driving tour. On this 22-stop tour of Corinth, you will see various historical sites and fortifications that played crucial roles in the outcome of the Civil War.

Stops along the tour:

Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center: 
Opened in 2004, the 15,000-square-foot facility features interactive exhibits, a multimedia presentation on the Battle of Shiloh and a video on the Battle of Corinth.

Battery F: 
One of the six outer batteries built by the Union army in a position to provide support fire, Battery F protected the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.

Site of the White House:
This house acted as a hospital for wounded soldiers during the battle.

Site of Battery Robinett:
Battery Robinett was one of the earthen fortifications constructed under orders from Union General William Rosecrans.

Site of Battery Powell:
This fortification helped play a crucial role in the battle held there.

The Railroad Crossing:
Rail Crossing-Trailhead Park is a viewing area for the crossing of the historic Memphis-Charleston and Mobile-Ohio railroads during the Civil War.

Site of the Mitchell House:
Although Corinth City Hall now occupies this site, early in the war, the Mitchell residence was used as headquarters for both Confederate and Union generals.

The Verandah-Curlee House:
Built in 1857, the house was used in the Civil War as headquarters for Generals Braxton Bragg, H.W. Halleck and John B. Hood.

Duncan House:
Throughout the war, Confederate and Union officers occupied and used this house. Officers included Confederate General Pierre G.T. Beauregard in 1862 and, later that year, Union General William Rosecrans.

Oak Home:
During the early years of the Civil War, Confederate General Leonidas Polk used the house as his headquarters.

Site of Rose Cottage:
This was the headquarters for General Albert Sidney Johnston, Confederate Commander of the War in the West.

Fish Pond House:
This house served as headquarters for multiple Confederate generals during the war.

Corinth Contraband Camp:
This location was intended to be a temporary city for runaway slaves, who escaped to Corinth seeking protection with the Union Army.

National Cemetery:
Established by an order from the Secretary of War in April 1866, this beautiful 20-acre cemetery is the final resting place for 1,793 known and 3,895 unknown Union soldiers.

Union Siege Line, First:
This was a pivotal site for the Siege of Corinth.

Farmington Baptist Church:
Between May 10 and May 22, 1862, the battle known as “The Farmington Races” was fought here. Several Confederate soldiers are buried in the nearby cemetery.

Union Siege Line:
This was constructed by the Army of the Ohio.

Driver House:
Serving as a hospital site, this house was used as a drop-off spot for several wounded Confederate soldiers following the Battle of Shiloh.

Union Earthworks:
Here, union field fortifications can be found that were used for only one week in the war.

Union Earthworks #2:
This site is known as Harbor Road Earthworks.

Union Earthworks #3:
These earthworks are a watershed overlooking the west side of Phillips Creek.

The Beauregard Line:
Spanning the east, south and west perimeters of Corinth, the Beauregard Line is composed of seven miles of earthworks and rifle pits, making it one of the finest extant Civil War fortifications.